Jumaat, 8 Januari 2021

22 ways to love yourself challenge.

I am trying to do this ’22 way to love myself challenge’ for the next 22 days in my life. I stumbled upon this website when I was trying to cool myself down after crying almost every day for a month.  I am trying to do it all. First, let us look at it one by one.

1.     Know yourself
2.    Say ‘no’ when you need to
3.    don’t compare yourself to others
4.    be truly present
5.    know and use your strength
6.    give yourself plenty of healthy treats
7.    be honest with yourself
8.    let yourself off the hook for your mistakes and imperfections
9.    work on forgiving yourself for the bigger stuff
10.  accept that some people won’t like you
11.   make fun a priority
12.  practice gratitude
13.  write down your successes
14.  feel your feelings
15.  take good care of your body
16.  pursue a hobby
17.  stand up for yourself
18.  write yourself a love letter
19.  ask for help when you need it
20. speak kindly to yourself
21.  surround yourself with people who treat you with kindness and respect
22.allow yourself some downtime.

You can read more about it on https://www.psychcentral.com/blog/imperfect/2016/02/22-ways-to-love-yourself-more#22-Ways-to-love-yourself


“You are the one person that you’ll always be with; the person who will be there through thick and thin; the person who knows you best. Your relationship with yourself is the most important and longest relationship you’ll ever have. I hope you’ll spend some time learning to love yourself more.







my journey to love myself

How I got depression? I suffer from anxiety first then followed by depression. This is my list for sources of my depression.

1.     I don’t make decision in my life

2.    My sister makes me think that I am a bad daughter

3.    I can not go out and have fun with my friends

4.    If I go out more than 3 hours my mom will call me asking when will I go home

5.    My siblings made me look after their children

6.    I have a very big family but only I do the chores

7.    I always end up crying when I am exhausted

8.    I tend to say yes to everything since they will scold me after

9.    I hate my life

10.  Sometimes, I thinks it is better if I die

11.   I pray and pray hoping that god will change a lot of things in my life

12.  I suffered a lot please give me my happiness

13.  I just want to love myself so that I would not have any suicidal thought. I am not asking for more. It is not like I am asking for a handsome rich prince to love me.

14.  Why is everything so hard. I am tired of breathing every single day.

15.  When someone excited in doing something, I don’t have that feeling. I felt nothing at all

16.  Do you remember the feelings that makes you want to cry? Well, I feel it everyday even when I don’t have anything to cry about?

I feel that I am hopeless, worthless and helpless. I don’t deserve anyone’s love because of I am in no place to receive them.





